Campus, Community & Operations

Long-term institutional success begins with sustainability!

A campus that integrates sustainable operations, materials, and concepts is better equipped to enhance the student, staff and community experience. Moreover, it improves resource efficiency, enables cost saving, and benefits the environment.

This agenda is increasingly relevant to the post-16 sector, given rising material and energy costs, greater regulatory focus on value for money, and the growing public intolerance of wasteful, environmentally harmful behaviours by public institutions.

The direction of regulatory and policy changes is challenging to predict, yet the institutions invested in sustainability are better placed to adapt to upcoming change.

How the EAUC can help you

For Support Staff

  • Discover the tailored resources we publish - including topics such as business travel, energy, and waste.
  • Improve your leadership skills, by taking the annual Leadership Labs programme.
  • Gain knowledge about environmental concepts and key jargon, with the Carbon Literacy Training course.
  • Sign the SDG Accord to align you strategy with the internationally understood Global Goals - commit to and achieve individual targets! 
  • Learn about the importance of Financial Resilience.
  • Have a voice! We lead on relevant consultations on behalf of members. 

For Sustainability Specialists


The EAUC Scotland Office is funded by the Scottish Funding Council to deliver additional support to Universities and Colleges in Scotland, as well as other public sector organisations in Scotland. Many of the events and resources produced by the them are open to all EAUC Members.
Delivered by EAUC