Scope 3 network

Welcome to the Scope 3 Communities of Practice!

As the requirement for Net Zero emissions in universities and colleges becomes urgent, we are opening communities of practice on some of the most pressing issues to enable a coherent and consistent approach.

Scope 3 is one of the toughest areas of emissions to address. Join our email networks to keep up-to-date on progress towards tools and shared methodologies. 

You can join the overarching Scope 3 network and any of the subgroups:

- Scope 3 (overarching)
- Scope 3 - construction (subgroup)
- Scope 3 - food (subgroup)
- Scope 3 - IT (subgroup)
- Scope 3 - travel (subgroup)
- Scope 3 - energy (subgroup)
- Scope 3 - furniture (subgroup)
- Scope 3 - laboratories (subgroup)

To join, simply email with the following information:

CoP(s) you want to join:
Full name:
Job title:

How to search for previous discussions
This CoP is open to all EAUC Members and other invited parties to learn and share experiences in relation to Scope 3. It is not a forum for commercial gain.

We know that there are many topics that come up regularly on the discussion networks so here is a quick and easy guide on how to search for previous discussions:

Go to and click on ‘Subscribers Corner’
Click on the discussion network you would like to search – ‘EAUC-SCOPE3’ is the list for the main Discussion Network, or EAUC-SCOPE3CONSTRUCTION, EAUC-SCOPE3FOOD, EAUC-SCOPE3IT, EAUC-SCOPE3TRAVEL, EAUC-SCOPE3ENERGY, EAUC-SCOPE3FURNITURE or EAUC-SCOPE3LABS for the subgroups.

The three ‘Latest messages’ are shown in a box near the top of the page. Click the message to read the entire post.

To search the list for a particular topic use the 'Search Archive' box on the right-hand side of the screen. Type the keyword/s you would like to search for and this will bring up a list of all posts containing that word/phrase.

You can further refine your search by adding parameters.
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