Universities and Colleges Climate Commitment for Scotland

The Universities and Colleges Climate Commitment for Scotland (UCCCfS) creates a structure for universities and colleges to show the reduction of carbon emissions and commitment to tackling climate change.

Universities and colleges, as named major players within Scottish legislation, have a pivotal role in improving the natural and built environment through:

  • their primary role as educators, skills trainers and researchers

  • as owners and operators of large and complex estates

  • as the focus of many local communities

The Commitment gave its name to the Programme which was delivered by the EAUC and funded by the Scottish Funding Council from 2014-2017, which you can find out more about here. However the Commitment itself will continue into the 2017-2020 Programme.

What the UCCCfS involves for Universities and Colleges

  1. All Scottish Universities and Colleges as of 2016 signed the UCCCfS Certificate at Principal and Board level as a public declaration that the institution acknowledges the Scottish Government targets to reduce carbon emissions (80% by 2050)
    See your institution's signed UCCCfS certificate here

  2. Signatories produce and publish a 5-year Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP) which will be incorporated into established improvement processes, with the aim to achieve a significant reduction in emissions.
    View all current CCAPs here

  3. Annual reporting on carbon emissions has previously been a part of the UCCCfS programme. However, with changes to the Climate Change Duties of Public Bodies, reporting is now mandatory through the Scottish Government. 
    More information about Reporting can be found here

How the EAUC-Scotland Office supports the UCCCfS

Underpinning the UCCCfS is a package of support which provides opportunities for sharing best practice and networking, delivered as part of our main programme. This support includes:

For further information please see the 2017-2020 Programme page or contact the EAUC-Scotland Office

Delivered by EAUC