
Welcome to the EAUC blog! You will find a mixture of articles by our educational members, strategic partners, company members, and of course, ourselves. The featured articles show what is happening across the sector.

Please be mindful that the views and opinions expressed here belong to the blog author therefore are not necessarily reflective of the views and opinions of the EAUC.

If you have an article you would like to submit, or would like the article specification, just email us.

Sustainability is all about balancing social, economic and environmental needs, and as sustainability professionals this is an ethos that usually permeates our home lives as well as professional. It is an increasingly mainstreamed way of thinking &nd...

EAUC writes about Earth Day, the roles of universities and colleges in coming to the aid of our ailing planet, and how Covid-19 will impact our Earth moving forwards.

Around the globe, the current pandemic has imposed a new reality that revolves around phrases like: self-isolating, social distancing measures, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), flattening the curve and underlying conditions.

As a result of Covid-19 pandemic, world leaders have followed World Health Organization (WHO) advice that social distancing is the solution to prevent the virus from spreading and to our allow National Health Services to save lives. To allow this to happen, businesses have been told to close their doors during the coronavirus outbreak. The question is: have businesses fulfilled their CSR duties?

Life has as we know it entered unprecedented times with the emergence of the Covid-19 virus. Worldwide, organisational operations and individual movements have been restricted, and in some countries these rules are enforced by the police. Governments have taken unprecedented measures to confine movement. The previous unthinkable measures have changed lives drastically but most are complying with the new rules, acknowledging the greater good is to minimise impact and retain health.

Sonya Peres in an intern with EAUC-Scotland who is currently carrying out a travel project with funding from the Responsible Universities Group Scotland. In this blog, she talks to Dr. Rachel Howell, a lecturer in Sociology/Sustainable Development at...

Biodiversity is the infrastructure that supports all life. The immense pressure plastics are having on the oceans, along with the disappearance of rainforests, and land clearing for agricultural purposes, have all contributed to biodiversity loss and species extinction. All these issues have resulted in many years of human overexploitation of our planet and are recognised to be causing the sixth extinction period the planet is currently experiencing.

LSE student Harriet Freeman talks about the struggle and surrender involved in running a successful sustainability campaign.

A few weeks ago, a colleague at EAUC told me about Dr. Charlotte Rae, a lecturer at the University of Sussex who has not flown since 2014.  As I have been working on resources to help colleges and universities confront their air travel, she thought I...

Anika Kovalická, a Nottingham Trent University (NTU) student studying Global Studies and International Relations talks climate change and education.

Academia is closely linked to extensive mobility, meaning attending non-local conferences and meetings and engaging in globalised research amongst other international engagements.

Sonya Peres is the Responsible Institutes Research Intern for EAUC Scotland who has been focusing on their Travel Better package to support universities and colleges to reduce the amount of air travel. During this time, Sonya was prompted to reconsider her own flying habits and has set herself some goals for 2020.

Jon Khoo from Interface, proud supporters of the Green Gown Awards Outstanding Leadership Team of the Year, talks about leadership and facing the Climate Emergency Challenge.

Leading academics from University of Lincoln, LSE, University of Hull and University of Manchester have collaborated on this blog about climate policy change and the role of universities and colleges.

Kerry Cheek, SRS Projects Coordinator reflects on a recent project in which she researched laboratory plastic waste at the University of Edinburgh.

Can university laboratories move away from single-use plastic?

Kerry Cheek, SRS Projects Coordinator, has a background working in both laboratory research and in sustainability. Here, she reflects on a recent project in which she researched laboratory plastic waste at the University of Edinburgh. Why laborato...

Paul Cusition, Chief Executive and Director at FHE specialist insurance provider UMAL talks about why universities and colleges cannot afford to delay climate change risk assessment and adaptation plans.

Alison Johns, Advance HE CEO, highlights some of the stark statistics about women’s representation in higher education ahead of our Women in HE Conference: Conditions for Change - how can we accelerate change that tackles the treatment and inclusion of women?

EAUC CEO Iain Patton discusses the growing climate emergency movement, and the role of Higher and Further Education within it.

EAUC talks everything Global Climate Strike - who, what, when, where, and most importantly - why!

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