Discussing Scope 3: Why our emissions have risen

As a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainability in the further and higher education sectors, we know that addressing our carbon footprint transparently is important, and that this must include Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 includes supply chain emissions, which are necessary to report so that we are acknowledging our impact comprehensively, setting a high standard to the sector. While initially focusing on the impact of Scope 1 (direct) and Scope 2 (indirect) is effective, the sector must increase its engagement with the bigger picture and increase its transparency around environmental impact.


Scope 3 emissions contain 15 categories, to cover specific upstream and downstream value-chain activities. Assessing GHG emissions across the entire value chain can be complex, so for institutions at the beginning of their reporting journeys, it can be difficult to know where to start. With the expectations of institutions changing quickly, in light of environmental challenges globally, there are resources available to the education sector.

Following the launch of the Standardised Carbon Emissions Framework (SCEF) for FE and HE, it is strongly recommended that all educational institutions use the newly developed resources to now include Scopes 1, 2 and 3 when calculating their emissions. By calculating all three areas, UK institutions can more effectively understand their environmental impact, fulfil sustainability commitments, improve reputation and transparency, and contribute to the UK net-zero goal for 2050.

Calculating our impact

This year, the EAUC reported the organisation’s supply chain emissions by using the Higher Education Supply Chain Education Tool (HESCET), which was initially designed for the HE sector and now available to FE too. HESCET allowed us to assess our carbon emissions within the supply chain, better informing how we intend to manage them going forward. HESCET uses the most recent 2021 DEFRA conversion factors to provide a standardised methodology to for calculations and ensures a high standard is achieved. Taking this approach in 2023 has led to our reported emissions to rise by 2414%; this does not indicate a ‘real’ increase in emissions but an increase in what we are reporting. In fact, our Scope 1 and 2 emissions are unchanged since previous years; moreover, we had already been including other Scope 3 elements, such as for business travel (category 6).

Calculating Scope 3 required cross-team collaborations, which has been supportive towards our organisation's ethos of transparency and teamwork. Supply chain emissions are estimated to contribute to 80% of an institution’s total carbon footprint. In the EAUC’s case, it has contributed to over 88% of total carbon emissions for 2022 and is the primary factor of our carbon footprint increase. As we are a relatively small organisation, our total carbon footprint is a relatively low 88 tonnes of CO2, yet we have still chosen to take action to manage this impact using offsetting, with the Carbon Coalition.

Our commitment to transparency and accountability is supported by integrating our newly calculated supply chain emissions into our annual report for 2022 and we will continue to do this annually. We hope this action can inspire others in the education sector to take similar, if not greater, measures. Not only does reporting Scope 3 help institutions meet the changing landscape of regulatory requirements, but also enables you to better prioritise decarbonisation efforts, be more connected to your student and staff communities, and contribute to the UK’s broader net zero targets that we can only achieve by creating change together.

Resources relevant to Scope 3
Scope 3 Supply Chain Tool for FE
Scope 3 Reporting Tool (EAUC Members-only page) 
Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) Tool
Standardised Carbon Emissions Framework (SCEF)

Resources on emissions-reduction
Carbon Coalition
University and College Land for Carbon Project
Sustainability Consulting Services

This article was prepared by the EAUC team. We welcome article submissions year-round, particularly from EAUC Members - get in touch today.
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